Assetto Corsa GT86 Now Has an F1 Engine Inside, Is Good for Giggles Only

Assetto Corsa GT86 Now Has an F1 Engine Inside, Is Good for Giggles Only

As I was playing Assetto Corsa today, I just remembered being in 1st grade, playing Andretti Racing, and marveling at how technologically advanced the game seemed at the time. It was 1998, and here I am, 23 years later, still playing racing video games, albeit at a different level.

I can be pretty judgemental of people sometimes, but only in certain situations. For example, if someone tells me that he’s a hardcore racing enthusiast, … (continue reading…)

Assetto Corsa GT86 Now Has an F1 Engine Inside, Is Good for Giggles Only

2021-07-07 05:03


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