CIMdata’s Product Lifecycle Management Certificate Program Coming in the Fall

CIMdata’s Product Lifecycle Management Certificate Program Coming in the Fall

The program, designed for PLM professionals, will take place at the end of September.

Virtual-Live September 2021Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA, 13 July 2021—CIMdata, Inc., the leading global PLM strategic consulting and research firm, announces that it will hold a PLM Core Virtual-Live Certificate Program the last week of September. The class will take place from 27 September through 1 October and is available to students in multiple time zones including the Americas and Europe.

The program comprises two modules—PLM Basics, three self-paced e-learning sessions, and PLM Core Concepts, five half-day virtual-live sessions held over five consecutive business days. Successful completion of the course and its associated assessments leads to a Core Certificate of PLM Leadership.

The program prepares PLM professionals to address the challenges commonly faced in PLM strategy development and implementation, allowing them to help their organizations realize the benefits of PLM and its enabling technologies.

According to CIMdata’s president and CEO, Peter Bilello, “The introduction of our virtual-live program in 2020 provided a wider group of PLM professionals with the opportunity to obtain high quality, non-biased education at a time when in-person education and training was not possible. The need for this kind of education remains. In response, CIMdata will continue to develop its online, virtual offerings throughout the remainder of 2021 to meet the evolving needs of the PLM and other digital professionals.”

Drawing on CIMdata’s over 35 years of experience guiding industrial companies in successfully defining and implementing best-in-class PLM strategies and tactics, the program is appropriate for industrial companies considering embarking on a PLM journey or those already implementing PLM. PLM solution providers will find the program useful for recent hires as part of the onboarding process and seasoned professionals.

For more information on CIMdata’s PLM Certificate Program and our other educational offerings, visit our website

CIMdata’s Product Lifecycle Management Certificate Program Coming in the Fall

2021-07-13 22:04


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