Digital Engineering, January/February 2020

Digital Engineering, January/February 2020 – Digital Engineering 24/7 Download (

Digital Engineering, January/February 2020

Our January/February coverage of virtual and augmented reality trends, and more.

 January 31, 2020

Inside This Issue

Mixed Reality Moves Beyond the Cool Factor

As hype subsides, practical use cases emerge.

Redesigning CAD for Mixed Reality

Break old habits while inventing new practices at the same time.

Mixed Experiences Ring in New Era of Design Collaboration

AR/VR brings enhanced visual context to design collaboration, reducing time-to-delivery cycles and resulting in better products.

Virtually Trained

Still using textbooks and whiteboards? AR/VR-assisted learning is faster, more effective and less expensive.

Workstation Vendors See Tool Chain Emerging for VR Applications

As more engineering firms decide to use VR, workstation vendors must address performance concerns and hardware capabilities.

Pushing the Design Envelope On the Go

With a new generation of visual designers, working anywhere in the world, CAD in the cloud is emerging as a solution for mobile workers to build the future.

AI Rewrites the Possibilities of Digital Twin

Developers of the virtual design tool see AI as providing the catalyst for a major shift in product development.

BOXX GoBoxx SLM 17: VR-Ready Power to Go

This new lightweight mobile workstation performs great, but for a price.


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