Graphs in Automotive and Manufacturing: Unlock New Value from Your Data

Graph Databases for Automotive & Manufacturing Data (

Presentation Summary

At Neo4j, we believe that graphs are everywhere.

In this post, we’ll take a look at graph database technology within manufacturing in general, and more specifically in the automotive industry. We’ll start with a general overview about graphs – specifically Neo4j – for anyone new to this area. Then, we’ll dive into a rundown of some of the types of data that an automotive or manufacturing company might have. Often, this lives in different systems and covers various areas of the business. We’ll talk about how all of this can be linked together using a graph.

Next, we’ll look at specific use cases that combine this data into a graph, specifically examples on supply chain management, warranty analytics, customer 360 view, knowledge graphs and a few others that are less specific to automotive and manufacturing but still apply to those industries.

Lastly, we’ll explore real-life case studies of how our graph database has helped transform the way companies view and utilize their data.


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