CIMdata Releases eBook on Siemens’ Solid Edge and Xcelerator Share

CIMdata Releases eBook on Siemens’ Solid Edge and Xcelerator Share

Providing Collaboration without Barriers

ANN ARBOR, Michigan, USA 2 February 2022—CIMdata, Inc., the leading global PLM strategic management consulting and research firm, announces the release of an eBook focused on Siemens Digital Industries Software’s Solid Edge and Xcelerator Share for collaboration.

Product manufacturing companies require the ability to collaborate with colleagues, partners, suppliers, and customers. When collaborating, there are vital capabilities and concerns that need to be addressed by multiple participants. They must have access to product design files that are secure and available on a wide range of devices. That access must be controlled to ensure that the most recent updates are available to all participants. Collaboration partners must be able to communicate any product changes they would like to make, and all communications should be tracked.

Dr. Ken Versprille, CIMdata Executive Consultant, noted, “Collaboration has always been a critical aspect of product development and more so these past two years. The industry has recently seen major improvements in collaboration solutions, and the same is true for Siemens. The Siemens’ Xcelerator Share solution works across all Siemens applications but is especially suited for Solid Edge users who must communicate with other product stakeholders.”

The CIMdata eBook on Solid Edge and Xcelerator Share is available at

CIMdata Releases eBook on Siemens’ Solid Edge and Xcelerator Share

2022-02-03 22:02


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