CIMdata Releases eBook on Sustainability

CIMdata Releases eBook on Sustainability

Survey finds most industrial companies addressing this global challenge

ANN ARBOR, Michigan, USA 27 April 2022—CIMdata, Inc., the leading global PLM strategic management consulting and research firm, announces the release of an eBook, “The Sustainability Imperative,” focused on sustainability in industrial companies.

Sustainability has gone from one of many topics in corporate social responsibility (CSR) programs to a global imperative. Combustion and release of other greenhouse gases have raised global CO2 levels and recent commitments to reduce them will fall short of the mark. Gyres of plastics clog shipping lanes around the world, slowly degrading into microplastics that are ever-present in our water and, increasingly, air. Much of this pollution results from product creation, logistics, use, and disposal. Thus, PLM is essential to a systemic response. Leading software and service providers are defining the metrics, measurement approaches, and enabling technology needed by their industrial clients to help mitigate sustainability issues. To better understand how industrial firms address sustainability, CIMdata partnered with PTC to conduct a survey of industrial firms to determine their plans and actions on this critical topic.

“As a leading provider of digital transformation solutions in the manufacturing sector, PTC is becoming increasingly aware of our role and responsibilities to support sustainability strategies,” stated Mark Lobo, Vice President for PLM Product Management at PTC. “This is not only due to PTC’s responsibility for nature and society but also because PTC’s position, products, and strategy are an enormous lever to turn the industry and economy toward addressing sustainability. It’s about replacing resource consumption with information. These strategies must support our customers’ goals and ambitions together with our own internal initiatives to position PTC as a leader in sustainability.”

Stan Przybylinski, CIMdata Vice President continued, “Most of our industrial respondents saw their firm as either a leader in sustainability in their industry (44%) or on par with their industrial peers (51%). Their motivations were pretty consistent across the respondents, with 35% saying they were responding to regulatory requirements and 32% saying they were responding to customer requirements or demands from the financial community. CIMdata sees sustainability as transformational; while 88% of respondents have ongoing digital transformation efforts, only 16% said that sustainability was driving their digital transformation efforts. 65% said their sustainability efforts were driven out of the C-suite, a good sign for the future impacts within industry.”

The CIMdata eBook on sustainability is available at:

CIMdata Releases eBook on Sustainability

2022-04-28 22:07


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