CIMdata Publishes an Update “Accelerating Your Industrial Machinery Projects with Generative Design”

CIMdata Publishes an Update “Accelerating Your Industrial Machinery Projects with Generative Design”

Screenshot 2022-11-17 at 8.19.58 AMANN ARBOR, Michigan, USA 17 November 2022—CIMdata, Inc., the leading global PLM strategic management consulting and research firm, announces the publication of an updated eBook titled “Accelerating Your Industrial Machinery Projects with Generative Design.” Originally published in 2018 as “Siemens PLM Software Advances Generative Design Technology in NX,” this update reflects the last four years of improvements.

Generative design is a process wherein the shape and composition of a product are determined by using physics-based simulation and other analysis methods that consider performance requirements and optimize objectives such as minimum cost and weight. Topology Optimization is the most familiar generative design process, and improvements in 3D printing are driving its popularity. Such design approaches, however, challenge the traditional product development process in that many downstream tools do not understand the geometric output of topology optimization algorithms.

This eBook looks at the technical approach adopted in NX, the flagship CAD solution of Siemens Digital Industries Software.

The eBook introduces the key concepts of Generative Design, specifically Topology Optimization. It includes a discussion of the generative design workflow and overcoming the formidable issue of importing the faceted geometry output of generative design algorithms into CAD using Siemens Convergent Modeling technology.

According to Mr. Peter Bilello, CIMdata President and CEO, “Given today’s rapidly advancing generative design and additive manufacturing technologies, a company must understand the impacts that their new workflows will have on their current design processes.” Dr. Ken Versprille, CIMdata Executive Consultant, notes, “CAD geometric modeling technology continues to evolve to support generative design methods. Siemens geometry technologists have demonstrated a long history of contributions to CAD modeling and are well positioned to support this new challenge.”

To learn more and download the eBook on Accelerating Your Industrial Machinery Projects with Generative Design, visit

CIMdata Publishes an Update “Accelerating Your Industrial Machinery Projects with Generative Design”

2022-11-18 22:05


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