CIMdata to Host a Free Webinar on the Role of the Digital Twin in the Product Lifecycle

CIMdata to Host a Free Webinar on the Role of the Digital Twin in the Product Lifecycle

ANN ARBOR, Michigan, USA, 7 November 2023—CIMdata, Inc., the leading global PLM strategic management consulting and research firm, announces an upcoming free educational webinar, “The Digital Twin’s Role in the Product Lifecycle.” The webinar will take place on Thursday, 30 November 2023, at 11:00 a.m. (EST) and last for one hour.

The digital twin is not a new concept. NASA dabbled with “paring technology” in the early days of space exploration. What is new is the ability to support digital twins from idea through life cost-effectively.

Today, the phrase “digital twin” is ubiquitous in the PLM market, with virtually all of the top 25 global market leaders covered in CIMdata’s PLM market research offering solutions. But if you dig a bit deeper, you will find that most providers mean something different when they use the same phrase. In 2021, a major global market research firm released a study on the market potential for digital twins: growing to $110 billion in 2028. Their market definition included all the hot buzzwords: AI and machine learning, the Internet of Things (IoT), blockchain, augmented reality, big data analytics, and 5G. Yes, some of these capabilities are extending digital twin possibilities. However, the definition included nothing that could help define or manage the IP used in digital twins or to simulate them. How should we think about digital twins? What enables them? What use cases are important? What kind of benefits can we expect?

This webinar will help attendees:

  • Gain a better understanding of the origins of the digital twin concept.
  • Learn more about the types of digital twins of interest in industry.
  • Learn how they can shape CIMdata’s research into this topic.

According to Stan Przybylinski, CIMdata’s Vice President and the host for this webinar, “Digital twins are everywhere today. While not everyone agrees on exactly what a digital twin is, the need to better understand a product’s lifecycle performance on a range of metrics is critical to optimizing that performance.”

Stan Przybylinski has been developing business-enabling IT solutions for research, engineering, and manufacturing organizations worldwide for over 35 years. He has worked in R&D, marketing, and communications with Fortune 100 companies and small organizations. At CIMdata, he is responsible for the research agenda, including the CIMdata PLM Market Analysis Report series. Stan has been involved with selecting, consulting, integrating, and implementing large-scale PLM solutions. He has also worked on projects for PLM solution providers and end-user organizations in the automotive, aerospace, consumer packaged goods, high-tech, and medical devices industries. He has spoken on PLM-related topics in Europe, North America, and Asia.

This webinar will be helpful to industrial practitioners, PLM team leaders and members, and PLM software and service providers offering digital twin capabilities (or planning to).

During the webinar, attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions about the topics discussed. To find out more, visit To register for this webinar, please visit

CIMdata to Host a Free Webinar on the Role of the Digital Twin in the Product Lifecycle

2023-11-07 22:04


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