CIMdata to Present at Altair’s Simulate at the Speed of Design 2024 Conference

CIMdata to Present at Altair’s Simulate at the Speed of Design 2024 Conference

CIMdata’s Sandeepak Natu will look at the role of simulation-driven design in small to medium-sized businesses.

Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA 3 May 2024—CIMdata, Inc., the leading global research, consulting, and education firm specializing in Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) and the Digital Transformation it enables, announces that Sandeepak Natu, the co-director of CIMdata’s Simulation-Driven Systems Development practice, will participate in Altair’s upcoming Simulate at the Speed of Design event. The event will take place virtually on 16 May. Sandeepak’s presentation, “Driving Product Innovation in Small and Medium Enterprises: Powered by Simulation-Driven Design and Manufacturing,” is open to all.

Small and medium businesses (SMBs) are crucial in driving economic growth and fostering innovation. As the backbone of the global economy, they contribute significantly to job creation and GDP. Over the last decade, simulation-driven design tools have made some inroads into the SMB domain. With the advent of novel simulation techniques, enhanced user experience, AI/ML, cloud-based computing resources, and subscription-based licensing models, it’s time for SMBs to embrace these technologies more wholeheartedly.

In this context, embracing simulation-driven design and manufacturing technology becomes strategically crucial for new start-ups as well as existing SMBs to compete and win against large global companies. Modeling, simulation, and data analytics tools provide SMBs with a low-cost enabler for achieving world-class product design, optimization, and verification processes. Today’s simulation-driven design and manufacturing methods hold immense potential for improving products, streamlining processes, reducing design-to-manufacturing cycle time, and cutting costs.

In his presentation, Sandeepak will show how SMBs can play a much larger role in business value creation by delivering world-class customer satisfaction in rapidly evolving markets by leveraging simulation and data analytics.

At CIMdata, Sandeepak helps industrial companies adopt simulation and analysis. He also works with simulation and analysis solution providers, developing their market, industry, and business strategy. With 27 years of experience, Sandeepak has a strong background in multi-physics-based modeling and simulation technologies, including developing and applying hybrid digital twins. Sandeepak started his career at Fluent India (now part of ANSYS Inc.) and has been associated with several engineering consultancies and simulation software firms. Sandeepak helps industrial organizations adopt simulation technologies in automotive, aerospace, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, food, consumer products, and healthcare industries. More recently, he has been involved in digitalization, simulation, sustainability, and business management roles. He also played a key role in helping a global vaccine manufacturer scale up production during the COVID-19 pandemic.

To learn more about the event and presentations and to register, please visit:

CIMdata to Present at Altair’s Simulate at the Speed of Design 2024 Conference

2024-05-03 22:03


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